I've been an IT consultant for the last 5 years and in that time, I’ve worked with a range of technologies across multiple development stacks. I was most recently contracted as a SDET supporting a production-level application in the hospitality industry. As passionate as I am for writing code to test applications, my true aspiration is to be the person who is helping to write the applications themselves.
Like many developers, I find the "Ah ha!" feeling of solving a complex problem completely addictive. But what I love the most about code is that it makes you the master of a tiny piece of the universe, free to - Create, Read, Update, Destroy - as you will (pun intended).
I embrace the challenging nature of programming - solving problems - trying, failing and trying again - asking for help *gasp* - because it provides a rich opportunity to learn and understand things just a little better each time.
View ResumeBasic, fully-responsive web layout built with HTML and CSS, employing CSSGrid with some light animation.
Basic, fully-responsive gradient generator created using HTML, CSS, Javascript and DOM manipulation.
A fully functioning hangman game created with HTML, CSS, vanilla Javascript, employing DOM Manipulation and Async/Await.
A fully functioning notepad app created with HTML, CSS, and vanilla Javascript, employing DOM Manipulation and local storage.
A fully functioning todo list app created with HTML, CSS, and vanilla Javascript, employing DOM Manipulation and local storage.
An Angular application with several components talking to each other and passing information with services.
Fully reactive filtering application built in react and styled with Tachyons and CSS. Populates with data comsumed from an open API.
A simple storefront application built in React and styled with Stylus. Populates with data from a FireBase database, and holds order state in local storage.
A react frontend application, node.js / express.js backend and PostgreSQL database hosted with Heroku. The backend application uses the ClarifaiAPI Facial Recognition model to fetch information about a particular photo. This information is used to display boxes around each of the faces in the image on the frontend.
Chess tactics trainer app built with React functional components and hooks. Problem sets are based on blunder moves from professional tournement games, with the goal to play the optimal solution. Problem set data is supplied by BlundersAPI, returned from a simple express proxy server built to go along with the fronted and solve some cors issues associated with the request. Supplementary libraries include Axios, chess.js and chessboard.js.
A react frontend application, populating information from PokéAPI v2. Original 151 Pokémon can be viewed in more detail with specific information such as base stats, species, genus, and overall evolutionary chain attribues, damage, and more.
Interactive Netflix clone app build with React functional components and hooks. Movie trailer data is handled by movie-trailers-api, which returns youtube trailers for requested titles. Trailers are displayed cleanly in an IFrame player using React-Youtube, which is a simple React component acting as a thin layer over the YouTube IFrame Player API.
Open to New Frontend Opportunities
Remote or Chicago Area